Epilogue of the Dogs of Verrick

I find myself torn between being ashamed that I’m almost a week late posting this, and as seeing the insanity that led to this week long delay as evidence that I’m right to step away for a bit.

It’s been a constant theme of mine for years now, I want to be writing and posting my own work, and yet I’m always occupied with other things and almost never make the time to focus on my own stuff. After all, if I can make the time, I should make it for other equally important needs and desires, like coursework for my Teaching License.

I will end up posting more on this site though, whether it ends up being simply more game logs that inspire me or if I could finally get one of my numerous novel projects to a point where there is enough to justify typing it all out. I will return.

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Epilogue of the Dogs of Verrick

Nar and Rhett through the End part 2

Okay, so we ended last time in the Diner in Mahendrapvarta. Since that point, Howler/Rhett revealed true state to the party, shocking pretty much everyone. Then they went and picked up Alif the Swift along with three other companions, (a former drug-addict and a young couple) who Alif had been able to recruit and headed to Revis to fight the Mind Flayers and gain access to the Far Realms to fight the Deep Father.

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Nar and Rhett through the End part 2

Nar and Rhett through the End part 1

This next series of emails is very much like the Side Stories from before, with a few differences. One, it was only Rhett who was sending this, continuing with the interactions they had with their dragon son Nar. Two, these were way more recent (starting in Late January or early February) so I’ll remember a lot more of the details.

Also, I’d say this is where some of the big pay-offs from Nar and Rhett’s story are actually explored. We did some of it through the game, but there was a lot of things that he wanted to explore that just didn’t have space at the game table.

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Nar and Rhett through the End part 1

Five Years with Rhett part 6

Apologies for this one being late. Been a rough few weeks between my sister graduating and my friends getting married, fell off the schedule. Though we are also winding down and getting towards the end of the material I have.

We left Rhett in the City of Mahendrapvarta, City of a 1000 Pleasures, tossing, turning and recriminating herself all night.

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Five Years with Rhett part 6

Five Years with Rhett part 1

Rhett, Rhett went above and beyond this time around. A good half of the reason I posted those Side Stories was because those set-up a lot of the interactions with Nar (Rhett’s stolen/adopted dragon son) that we delved into with this section and some of the “Side Stories” that are to come. Honestly, at this point I’ve probably had more time spent with Nar and Rhett than any other two characters in the entire campaign.

Important things to remember, or things I should let you guys know about before hand?

Rhett has Tear, one third of the Pillar of Reality associated with the Elves. She has since realized that it cuts and devours magic, growing in size as it does so. Nar learned he was adopted when they went to fight the Primal Dragon Simurgh (Nar had no idea he was adopted and was quite shocked when El mentioned it [Yeah, he is a Dragon, but Mom is sometimes a furry elf and sometimes a wolf and sometimes a bird, so is it really such a stretch?]).

Oh, and after they killed Simurgh Nar was given a massive amount of Gold and Jewels, most held by Clementia, for his own hoard.

I don’t think there was anything else major. Now let us follow Nar and Rhett as they travel across most of the world, seeking the dragons Nar must train under to become what he is meant to be.

Edit: Oops, forgot a big thing. When they visited the Zoo in Harth, a lot of things happened. They encountered a unique Dryad, who was bound to a silver tree. This dryad was actually the first to tell them about Gaea’s offer to kill a dragon, but she also allowed Rhett to fully become a druid [Rhett had been multi-classed until that point] and gifted unto her something known as the Seed of the Pale Oak. When planted this seed does a few things, most importantly is the fact that if Rhett stays in good regard with nature, then whenever she is killed, she can reincarnate within the roots of the Tree. Finding a place to plant this Seed was an early, but important, plot point.

Continue reading “Five Years with Rhett part 1”

Five Years with Rhett part 1